Welcome to the Fitness-to-Drive Screening (FTDS) Measure created by researchers at the University of Florida and further developed by researchers at the University of Western Ontario.
The FTDS is a web-based tool for caregivers and/or family members, friends of older drivers and clinicians to identify at-risk older drivers. Caregivers and/or family members, friends who have driven with the driver in the last three months, can rate a driver's difficulties with 21 driving skills, through this on-line screening.
After completing the screening, a keyform or rating profile, of the driver is available which includes a classification of the driver into one of three categories (at-risk driver, routine driver, or accomplished driver). Based on the specific driver category, recommendations are given as follow-up steps.
If you would like to assess a driver, driving in the United States of America, please visit our American site.